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Art Exhibition

Where: Will Vawter Juried Exhibition & Art Sale 20 N. State Street Greenfield, Indiana

My artwork is being featured at the Will Vawter Juried Exhibition Art Sale. Please come and take a look at my art as well as some of the other great artists' work from the area!
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Art Exhibition

Where: Watercolor Society of Indiana Member Exhibit P Gallery 42 42 E. Washington Street Indianapolis, Indiana

My artwork is being featured at the Watercolor Society of Indiana Member Exhibit. Please come and take a look at my art as well as some of the other great artists' work from the area!
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Art Exhibition

Where: Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 E. 38th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46205

Come view my art at the Indiana State Fairgrounds!

Want to Buy One of  My Paintings or Discuss a Project?

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